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Sexuality & Relationships

Life's most fulfilling experiences are often intertwined with love, intimacy, and healthy relationships. Yet, navigating the complexities of sex and relationships can sometimes feel challenging.


Whether you're facing individual concerns about sexuality or relationship difficulties with a partner, David can  support you on your journey.

Journey through self-discovery

Sexuality and relationships are fundamental aspects of life, filled with joy, exploration, and sometimes, confusion.

David offers a range of services in this area including:

  • Couples Therapy: Strengthen your bond and overcome relationship challenges. We provide a neutral and confidential environment where couples can communicate openly about intimacy, communication issues, conflict resolution, and rebuilding trust.

  • Premarital Counselling: Prepare for marriage with a foundation of healthy communication and shared goals. David can guide you in exploring important topics like finances, values, expectations, and intimacy.

  • LGBTQ+ Inclusive Therapy: David offers a welcoming space for individuals and couples of all sexual orientations and gender identities. He celebrates diversity and understand the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Sexuality and relationship counselling is an investment in your long-term happiness and well-being. By seeking help, you embark on a journey towards greater self-awareness, healthier communication, and a more fulfilling intimate life. Don't hesitate to take this important step towards a more satisfying and connected you.

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Take the first step today and become one step closer to a better you.

Hilliard Suites, Mangerton View, Killarney

083 810 82 42

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